Friday, April 18, 2008


While the meeting with the new guy from the chemical company was primarily stressful, there were these moments where I would happily lose myself in my world. One positive (maybe the only) that came out was my wish list of things that I WANT to do. Perhaps documenting it will make me move closer to doing something about them:

  • I want to learn to swim. I do feel am a little scared of water (cant keep my eyes open under the shower). But I do want to get over it (wonder why I always focus on stuff I need to get over :)) Anyhow, now is the time BT!!
  • I want to pursue photography as a hobby. Yes, I may need a better camera, but I want to first learn to express myself better through my existing cam!
  • I want to learn spanish. Though having experienced german for 5 years and French for 6, I months really dont think the duration matters untill you get to use it. But it just seems like a calming yet stylish language.
  • I want to learn the Salsa. Now here is where the problem surfaces - and maybe the solution too ;)
  • I want to see atleast 5 unseen places in India in the next two years
  • I want to publish a different kind of cookery book of borrowed/ collected recipes
  • (Don't think will ever pursue this one) but I do want a small cafe/ restaurant of my own.
  • I also often think of joining a social organisation. But somewhere, I don't think I have what it takes to do that kind of work. The selflessness in you really needs to rock for getting there in my opinion!!
  • I want to paint/ sketch. When I think of this, I often wonder whether its the oil colour or HB pencils that attract me more - cant make up my mind. I think I would enjoy the in-control feeling in the pencil sketching as well as going wild with colours on the canvas. I think this one is the easiest to begin with!!

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